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Complete Guide to General Practitioner Tasks and Duties: A Vital Role in Primary Healthcare

General Practitioner: A Complete Guide to Tasks and Duties

Introduction to General Practitioners

General Practitioners, also known as GPs, are medical doctors who provide primary care services to patients. They are often the first point of contact for patients seeking medical attention, and their duties range from preventative care to diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.

Tasks and Duties of General Practitioners

Diagnosis and Treatment of Illnesses

One of the main tasks of General Practitioners is diagnosing and treating illnesses. They examine patients, take medical histories, and order diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the patient's symptoms. Once a diagnosis has been made, the GP will develop a treatment plan that may include medication, lifestyle changes, or referrals to specialists.

Preventative Care

General Practitioners are also responsible for preventative care. This includes performing routine check-ups, screenings, and immunizations to prevent illnesses from developing in the first place. They may also provide advice on healthy lifestyle habits, such as diet and exercise, to promote overall wellness.

Chronic Disease Management

General Practitioners are often responsible for managing chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and asthma. They monitor the patient's condition, adjust medication dosages as needed, and provide ongoing support to help the patient manage their condition.

Referrals to Specialists

In some cases, General Practitioners may refer patients to specialists for further evaluation or treatment. This may include referrals to cardiologists, oncologists, or mental health professionals, among others.

Medical Record Keeping

General Practitioners are responsible for keeping accurate medical records for their patients. This includes documenting patient visits, test results, and treatment plans. These records are used to track the patient's health over time and ensure continuity of care.

Education and Training Requirements

To become a General Practitioner, one must first obtain a medical degree from an accredited medical school. After completing medical school, the individual must complete a residency program in family medicine, which typically lasts three years. Once the residency is complete, the individual must pass a licensing exam to become a licensed physician.


General Practitioners play a critical role in providing primary care services to patients. Their tasks and duties range from diagnosing and treating illnesses to providing preventative care and managing chronic diseases. To become a General Practitioner, one must complete extensive education and training requirements, including medical school and residency programs. Overall, General Practitioners are essential members of the healthcare team and play a vital role in promoting and maintaining the health and wellbeing of their patients.