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ArchiveOctober 2012
Can D-Mannose Prevent UTIs?

Can D-Mannose Prevent UTIs?

A type of sugar, D-mannose is often touted as a natural remedy for fending off urinary tract infections. Found naturally in a number of fruits, D-ma…
L-Arginine - What is L-Arginine?

L-Arginine - What is L-Arginine?

L-arginine is an amino acid commonly sold in supplement form and obtained naturally in the diet. L-arginine-rich foods include plant and animal prot…
Ginkgo - What is Ginkgo?

Ginkgo - What is Ginkgo?

What is Ginkgo? Ginkgo is one of the oldest living tree species. The extract of ginkgo leaves is used medicinally in North America, where it's…
Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

What is It? Erectile dysfunction, formerly called impotence, is the inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity. It…
New Anti-Clotting Drug Beats Warfarin, Study Says

New Anti-Clotting Drug Beats Warfarin, Study Says

A new anti-clotting drug called apixaban was better than warfarin at preventing stroke in patients with the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillatio…
Botox Injections: Option for Urge Incontinence

Botox Injections: Option for Urge Incontinence

Botulinum toxin, the anti-wrinkle treatment known as Botox, can also help women with urge incontinence reduce their leaking episodes, according to a…
Scientists ID 'Genetic Signatures' for Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Scientists ID 'Genetic Signatures' for Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Two separate genetic "signatures" for aggressive prostate cancer have been identified by researchers, who said the findings could one day …
Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction) Symptoms

Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction) Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction is characterized by the regular or repeated inability to obtain or maintain an erection. There are several ways that erectile d…